Generating a form

Generating forms based on some data (i.e. JSON) is quite common. You can generate React Advanced Form components, but there is no API exposed for such purpose.


Form shouldn't be concerned with the generation logic. Writing a simple generating function that returns React components (form or fields) is rather simple.

import * as fields from './fields'

 * Return the generated form based on the provided JSON
 * that describes the fields of a form.
function generateForm(props, fieldsJson) {
  return (
    <Form {...props}>

function generateFields(fieldsJson) {
  return => {
    const { fieldType, ...props } = fieldParams
    const Field = fields[fieldType]
    return (
      <Field {...props} />

export default GeneratedForm extends React.Component {
  registerUser = ({ serialized }) => {}
  render() {
    const { fieldsJson } = this.props
    return generateForm({
      action: this.registerUser,
    }, fieldsJson)

The usage of such a component would look as follows:

        fieldType: 'Input',
        name: 'username',
        initialValue: '',
        required: true,
        name: 'password',
        fieldType: 'Select',
        type: 'password',
        required: true,

The contract between your JSON and the generating function is up to you.

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