
First of all, thank you for deciding to contribute to React Advanced Form! It is only by the power of the community we can achieve great results.


A good place to start is to ensure you are familiar with the technologies used in React Advanced Form.

  • Development:

    • React to power the components

  • Testing:

    • Chai as the assertion library

    • Jest for plain unit tests

    • Cypress for integration tests.

General agreements

Please read and respect the internal agreements listed below. The latter are to ensure the quality and seamless coding approach during the development of the library.


  • Please do not version the changes you provide. Versioning happens by the repository's owners after your changes are merged into the master branch.

Naming conventions

  1. Use PascalCase and .jsx extension for React components.

  2. Use cammelCase and .js extension for other JavaScript files.

  3. Use .spec.js suffix for the test files.

  4. Be familiar with the Naming Cheatsheet. It contains quite a few of patterns and pieces of advice on how to name the methods, variables and anything in general.

  5. Once the review is passed, merge your pull request or ask somebody else to do so. Your contribution is now merged into the master and prepared for the next release!

Git workflow

  1. Create a new branch with the proper prefix. Use feature prefix for new features, bugfix for bugfixes and dev for internal (i.e. architectural) improvements. Examples: feature/field-format, bugfix/form-clear, dev/bundle-size.

  2. Contribute the changes.

  3. Add the changes with git add.

  4. Commit the changes with git commit.

  5. git checkout master and git pull --rebase to pull the latest changes from the master branch.

  6. git checkout PREFIX/YOUR_FEATURE_BRAHC and git rebase master to ensure your feature branch is up-to-date.

  7. Create a Pull request in the React Advanced Form repository.

  8. Pass the code review and implement possible suggestions and comments from the repository's maintainers and owners.

Getting started

Clone the repository

git clone

Install the dependencies

cd react-advanced-form
npm install

Run the Storybook

Start the development process by executing the following command in the terminal:

npm start

This will launch the Storybook server at http://localhost:6009.


Development process generally consist of the following steps:

  1. Create a test scenario (story) to test your changes.

  2. Import a source fields of the library into the created story.

  3. Develop with live updates.

Write tests


Depending on the character of your changes, it may be a unit test(s), integration test(s), or both.

Commit the changes

Follow the Git workflow described above.

Each your commit is followed by an automated build and tests run toward your changes. It is only when the build succeeded and all tests passed your commit is being created. Make sure to fix all the issues which may happen during this process.

Create a Pull request

Create a new pull request featuring your changes in the RAF repository. Assign the pull request to one of the library owners or contributors and await for the comment or approval. Pull request are merged into master branch by its reviewer.




npm start

Runs Storybook.

npm test

Runs all the tests (unit and integration).

npm run cypress

Opens Cypress GUI.

npm run test:unit

Runs unit tests.

npm run test:integration

Runs integration tests.

npm run build

Performs a production build.

Other contributions

Above there are the guidelines for the development contribution, but that isn't the only way you can make RAF better:

  • Share your wisdom and help others in the opened Issues.

  • Contribute to the Official documentation, which is a part of the RAF repository.

  • Star and share React Advanced Form if you find it useful

Each of your contributions matters! Thank you.

Last updated