Field lifecycle

The field lifecycle is a common term which describes the behavior of the field component from its mounting up to its unmounting within the Form component.

Mentioned lifecycle events are handled by React Advanced Form automatically. This section bears rather an informational character, since understanding how technology works allows you to use it the most efficient way.



When the field is declared, it needs to register within the parental Form component. That is a way to notify the form that a new field needs to be set into its internal state.

Purpose of registration

First of all, field records compose the internal state of the Form, which manages all interactions with the field, and is responsible for the Form's internal functionality (like serialization, reset, and much more). Form's state, which is a composite of multiple field records, is a single source of truth for the form.

On top of that, detached parent-children relation between the field and its form allows to render the fields wherever and whenever during the component's lifecycle. Form component expects fields just to be rendered anywhere within its bounds, without the assumptions of when and where.

Field record

Registration, or field record – is an Object of props which propagates to the Form.state. The record isn't always the direct mirror of field's props. Moreover, some fields often require to alter their registration record for proper field functioning.

Changing field record

It is possible to affect the registraional record when creating your custom components, or integrating third-party solutions, using mapPropsToField option of the createField() high-order component:

import React from 'react'
import { createField } from 'react-advanced-form'

class CustomField extends React.Component {}

export default createField({
  mapPropsToField: ({ props, fieldRecord, context }) => ({
    customProp: composeByProp(props.someProp),

fieldRecord Object passed as the argument property is mutable, and changing the latter directly affects the Object of props at the registration point. Read more about this and other options in the createField() section of the documentation.

Handling events

Core part of the field lifecycle is the events handling. By default, the next events are handled by the form automatically:

State updates are invoked and maintained internally within the Form component, and require no developer's interference.

Event callbacks

Developer can react to the required event callbacks just as he would usually do:

import React from 'react'
import { Form } from 'react-advanced-form'
import { Input } from 'react-advanced-form-addons'

export default class Example extends React.Component {
  handleFieldFocus = ({ event, fieldProps, fields, form }) => {}

  handleEmailChange = ({ event, nextValue, prevValue, fieldProps, fields, form }) => {}

  handleFieldBlur = ({ event, fieldProps, fields, form }) => {}

  render() {
    return (
          required />

Custom handleFieldFocus, handleEmailChange and handleFieldBlur handlers do not control the actual events, but react to them.

Note: React Advanced Form is actively using the Object-as-argument approach when providing the arguments to the callback methods.

The function above can behave as callback functions in case of uncontrolled fields, or as handler functions responsible for the update of controlled fields, depending on the presence of the value prop on the field component.

Custom event handlers

It is still completely possible to declare custom event handlers for the fields. That is particularly useful when any additional logic should be performed during such essential events like onChange.

Developer must provide the custom event handlers during the field's declaration, if he wants to achieve a custom behavior. Here is a simple example of how to do so:

// src/components/Input.jsx
import React from 'react'
import { createField, fieldPresets } from 'react-advanced-form'

class Input extends React.Component {
   * Custom "onChange" handler.
  handleChange = (event) => {
    const { value: nextValue } =

    // ...

    /* It is mandatory to dispatch the native RAF event handler */
    this.props.handleFieldChange({ event })

  render() {
    const { fieldProps } = this.props

    return (
        onChange={this.handleChange} />

export default createField(fieldPresets.input)(Input)

When overriding the essential event handler managed by the Form automatically, the one must always dispatch the respective native event handler available via props:

  • CustomField.props.handleFieldFocus({ event })

  • CustomField.props.handleFieldChange({ event })

  • CustomField.props.handleFieldBlur({ event })

Passing the event as an argument is sufficient to trigger internal updates, reacting to the occurred event.


Similar to registration process, when the field's component is unmounted, its record in the Form.state must be removed.

Last updated